




identifier I0061
alternative_identifiers ['UzOO74']
country Russia
continent Europe
region Scandinavia
culture Hunter-Gatherer
epoch Mesolithic
group HGN
comment -
latitude 61.650001525878906
longitude 35.650001525878906
sex M
site Yuzhnyy Oleni Ostrov, Karelia
site_detail -
mt_hg C1
ychr_hg R1a1a1
year_from -6850
year_to -6000
date_detail 6850-6000 BCE [6270-6000 calBCE (7280±80 BP, OxA-1665), 6410-6050 calBCE (7350±90 BP, OxA-2266), 6390-6030 calBCE (7330±90 BP, OxA-1667), 6590-6240 calBCE (7560±90 BP, OxA-1668), 6590-6240 calBCE (7560±90 BP, OxA-1669), 6360-6000 calBCE (7280±90 BP, OxA-2124), 6530-6210 calBCE (7510±90 BP, OxA-2125), 6850-6410 calBCE (7750±110 BP, OxA-1973), layer date]
bp -
c14_lab_code -
c14_sample_tag -
c14_layer_tag True
avg_coverage -
sequence_source bam
reference Haak et al. 2015. Massive migration from the steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe. Nature, 522(7555), 207-211. (link)
data_link https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/PRJEB8448
ychr_snps ['R1a1:M459:6906074A->G', 'R:CTS3622:15078469C->G', 'R:F459:18017528G->T', 'R:L1347:22818334C->T', 'R:M613:7133986G->C', 'R1:CTS2565:14366723C->T', 'R1:CTS2908:14556851C->T', 'R1:CTS5611:16394489T->G', 'R1:L875:16742224A->G', 'R1:P245:8633545T->C', 'R1:P286:17716251C->T', 'R:CTS207:2810583A->G', 'R:CTS2426:14300457G->A', 'R:CTS8311:17930099C->A', 'R:F82:7548900G->A', 'R:M651:9889199G->A', 'R:P280:21843090C->G', 'R:P285:19267344C->A', 'R1:P234:21117888T->C', 'R:P224:17285993C->T', 'R1:CTS3321:14829196C->T', 'R1a1:Page65.2:2657176C->T', 'R1a:L62:17891241A->G', 'R1a:L63:18162834T->C', 'R1a:L145:14138745C->A', 'R1a:L146:23473201T->A', 'R1:CTS997:7132713G->A', 'R1:CTS1913:14120054A->T', 'R1:CTS8116:17839981G->A', 'R1:M306:22750583C->A', 'R1:P231:9989615A->G', 'R1:P236:17782178C->G', 'R1:P238:7771131G->A', 'R1:P294:7570822G->C', 'R:CTS5815:16491135C->T', 'R:CTS6417:16882568T->C', 'R:CTS7876:17722802G->A', 'R:F33:6701239G->A', 'R:F63:7177189G->A', 'R:F295:15594523A->G', 'R:F356:16629782T->C', 'R:F652:23631629C->A', 'R:FGC1168:15667208G->C', 'R:L1225:22733758C->G', 'R:M734:18066156C->T', 'R:M760:21219443A->G', 'R:P227:21409706G->C', 'R:F370:16856357T->C', 'R:F765:24360964G->A', 'R1:CTS3123:14674176A->C', 'R1:P225:15590342G->T', 'R:F154:8558505T->C', 'R:P229:8050994G->C', 'R:P232:23035132G->A']
mitopathos [{'allele': '10398G', 'position': 10398, 'status': 'Reported / lineage L & M marker / also hg IJK', 'homoplasmy': '+', 'heteroplasmy': '-', 'locus': ['MT-ND3'], 'diseases': ['PD protective factor / longevity / altered cell pH / metabolic syndrome / breast cancer risk / Leigh Syndrome risk / ADHD / cognitive decline / SCA2 age of onset / Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy']}, {'allele': '12705T', 'position': 12705, 'status': 'Reported', 'homoplasmy': '<NA>', 'heteroplasmy': '<NA>', 'locus': ['MT-CO1'], 'diseases': ['Possible protective factor for normal tension glaucoma']}, {'allele': '15043A', 'position': 15043, 'status': 'Reported', 'homoplasmy': '+', 'heteroplasmy': '-', 'locus': ['MT-CYB'], 'diseases': ['MDD-associated']}, {'allele': '16189C', 'position': 16189, 'status': 'Reported', 'homoplasmy': '+', 'heteroplasmy': '-', 'locus': ['MT-CR'], 'diseases': ['Diabetes / Cardiomyopathy /cancer risk / mtDNA copy nbr / Metabolic Syndrome / Melanoma patients']}, {'allele': '3552A', 'position': 3552, 'status': 'Reported /hg C marker', 'homoplasmy': '+', 'heteroplasmy': '-', 'locus': ['MT-ND1'], 'diseases': ['Resistance to high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE)']}, {'allele': '489C', 'position': 489, 'status': 'Reported', 'homoplasmy': '+', 'heteroplasmy': '-', 'locus': ['MT-CR'], 'diseases': ['Low VO2max response']}]