Welcome to Ancient mtDNA database!
This is the place where you can find an updated list of the published mitochondrial sequences coming from the ancient DNA samples (aDNA). The main interest of our database lies in the anatomically modern Homo sapiens samples, ranging from the late Paleolithic to roughly Iron Age times, focusing on an Euroasian geographical area. We provide both the mtDNA sequences (in FASTA format), and the metadata for the samples (ID, date, geolocation, site, culture, mtDNA haplogroup, etc.), available to download in a comma-separated (CSV) text file.
Added 406 FASTA files to several older studies (log).
New update: added samples and fixed metadata (log).
Edvard Ehler's talk about AmtDB at ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee #9
Major update of the AmtDB has arrived! Today we bring you the results of our database update we have started working on already back in 2019. Besides lots of changes in frontend and backend of our webpage (for details check out the log), we have opened to public two new apps:
- Certificate: compare your mitochondrial haplogroup against AmtDB, and create and customize a certificate of your mtDNA lineage geographic and temporal dispersal. See Docs for more information.
- MitoPathoTool: search your samples (not only ancient mtDNA sequences) against a database of known mitochondrial diseases. See Docs for more information.
Quick tour
- Search and download the database immediately.
- Display the selected samples on an interactive map, read the documentation or FAQs.
- Cite our database's fundamental paper .
- Take a look at the list of references to studies from which samples in AmtDB come from.
- Check the links to other interesting (ancient) mtDNA tools and databases.
- Look at research results based on AmtDB.
- Make a certificate of your haplotype.
- Use MitoPathoTool to annotate pathological mutations in your (ancient) mtDNA sequences.
- Contact the authors if you have any more questions or want your samples to be included in AmtDB!
- Check AmtDB in bio.tools
- Read our Terms of Service.
AmtDB content statistics
v1.009 | 28/02/2024 | log
Samples | 2548 |
Continents | 4 |
Countries | 46 |
Epochs | 13 |
Cultures | 263 |
Regions | 27 |
Sites | 725 |