identifier |
DA224 |
alternative_identifiers |
['Besynshitobe', 'excavation 1', 'layer 3', 'grave 3 with knife', 'year 2015'] |
country |
Kazakhstan |
continent |
Asia |
region |
Central steppe |
culture |
OutTurk |
epoch |
Middle Ages |
group |
comment |
- |
latitude |
42.829166412353516 |
longitude |
68.32499694824219 |
sex |
M |
site |
Besynshitobe, excavation 1, layer 3, grave 3 with knife |
site_detail |
excavation 2015 |
mt_hg |
H |
ychr_hg |
R1 |
year_from |
264 |
year_to |
273 |
date_detail |
- |
bp |
1685±39 |
c14_lab_code |
UBA-33603 |
c14_sample_tag |
True |
c14_layer_tag |
- |
avg_coverage |
6.919000148773193 |
sequence_source |
bam |
reference |
de Barros Damgaard et al. 2018. 137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes. Nature, 557(7705), 369-374.
data_link |
ychr_snps |
mitopathos |
[{'allele': '310C', 'position': 310, 'status': 'Reported', 'homoplasmy': '<NA>', 'heteroplasmy': '<NA>', 'locus': ['MT-CR'], 'diseases': ['Possible protective factor for normal tension glaucoma']}]