identifier | I0211 |
alternative_identifiers | ['UzOO40', 'AG84_5'] |
country | Russia |
continent | Europe |
region | Baltic |
culture | Hunter-Gatherer |
epoch | Mesolithic |
group | HGE |
comment | - |
latitude | 61.650001525878906 |
longitude | 35.650001525878906 |
sex | M |
site | Yuzhnyy Oleni Ostrov, Karelia |
site_detail | - |
mt_hg | U4a |
ychr_hg | J |
year_from | -6773 |
year_to | -5886 |
date_detail | 6773-5886 BCE [other dates in the layer used in the Bayesian modeling analysis we used to obtain this range are (7280±80 BP, OxA-1665), 6410-6050 calBCE (7350±90 BP, OxA-2266), 6390-6030 calBCE (7330±90 BP, OxA-1667), 6590-6240 calBCE (7560±90 BP, OxA-1668), 6590-6240 calBCE (7560±90 BP, OxA-1669), 6360-6000 calBCE (7280±90 BP, OxA-2124), 6530-6210 calBCE (7510±90 BP, OxA-2125), 6850-6410 calBCE (7750±110 BP, OxA-1973), layer date] |
bp | - |
c14_lab_code | - |
c14_sample_tag | - |
c14_layer_tag | True |
avg_coverage | 23.15317726135254 |
sequence_source | bam |
reference | Mathieson et al. 2015. Genome-wide patterns of selection in 230 ancient Eurasians. Nature, 528(7583), 499-503. (link) |
data_link | https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/PRJEB11450 |
ychr_snps | ['J:CTS7028:17246058T->C', 'J:F2114:16262942G->A', 'J:FGC1599:21923739A->T', 'J:YSC0000228:22172960G->T', 'J:CTS5934:16562707C->T', 'J:PF4521:9815201T->C', 'J:CTS11291:23058442G->T'] |
mitopathos | - |