




identifier I1842
alternative_identifiers ['LY.II.A.10.15064']
country Spain
continent Europe
region Iberia
culture N_Iberia_CA
epoch Copper Age
group CAIB
comment -
latitude 42.630001068115234
longitude -2.700000047683716
sex M
site Las Yurdinas II, Peñacerrada-Urizaharra, Araba/Álava, Basque Country
site_detail -
mt_hg H1e1a
ychr_hg G2a2a1
year_from -3350
year_to -2750
date_detail 3350–2750 BCE [3022–2779 cal BCE (4290±40 BP, Beta-137895), 3090–2900 cal BCE (4360±40 BP, Beta-137896), 3310–2904 cal BCE (4390±40 BP, Beta-148054) three dates of the whole stratigraphy of the site]
bp 4290±40
c14_lab_code -
c14_sample_tag True
c14_layer_tag -
avg_coverage 155.0
sequence_source bam
reference Olalde et al. 2019. The genomic history of the Iberian Peninsula over the past 8000 years. Science, 363(6432), 1230-1234. (link)
data_link https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/PRJEB30874
ychr_snps -
mitopathos -