




identifier I4892
alternative_identifiers ['feature 551']
country Czech Republic
continent Europe
region central Europe
culture Czech_EBA
epoch Bronze Age
group EBACz
comment -
latitude 50.12174606323242
longitude 14.456951141357422
sex F
site Prague 8, Kobylisy, Ke Stírce Street
site_detail -
mt_hg T1a1
ychr_hg -
year_from -1881
year_to -1701
date_detail 1881-1701 calBCE (3475±20 BP, PSUAMS-2849)
bp 3475±20
c14_lab_code PSUAMS-2849
c14_sample_tag True
c14_layer_tag -
avg_coverage 152.9810028076172
sequence_source bam
reference Olalde et al. 2018. The Beaker phenomenon and the genomic transformation of northwest Europe. Nature, 555(7695), 190-196. (link)
data_link http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/PRJEB23635
ychr_snps -
mitopathos [{'allele': '11251G', 'position': 11251, 'status': 'Reported', 'homoplasmy': 'nr', 'heteroplasmy': 'nr', 'locus': ['MT-ND4'], 'diseases': ['Reduced risk of PD']}, {'allele': '15928A', 'position': 15928, 'status': 'Reported', 'homoplasmy': '+', 'heteroplasmy': '-', 'locus': ['MT-TT'], 'diseases': ['Multiple Sclerosis / idiopathic repeat miscarriage / AD protection']}, {'allele': '16189C', 'position': 16189, 'status': 'Reported', 'homoplasmy': '+', 'heteroplasmy': '-', 'locus': ['MT-CR'], 'diseases': ['Diabetes / Cardiomyopathy /cancer risk / mtDNA copy nbr / Metabolic Syndrome / Melanoma patients']}, {'allele': '195C', 'position': 195, 'status': 'Reported', 'homoplasmy': '+', 'heteroplasmy': '+', 'locus': ['MT-CR'], 'diseases': ['BD-associated / melanoma pts']}, {'allele': '310C', 'position': 310, 'status': 'Reported', 'homoplasmy': '<NA>', 'heteroplasmy': '<NA>', 'locus': ['MT-CR'], 'diseases': ['Possible protective factor for normal tension glaucoma']}, {'allele': '4216C', 'position': 4216, 'status': 'Conflicting reports', 'homoplasmy': '+', 'heteroplasmy': '-', 'locus': ['MT-ND1'], 'diseases': ['LHON / Insulin Resistance /possible adaptive high altitude variant / miscarriage']}, {'allele': '4917G', 'position': 4917, 'status': 'Reported', 'homoplasmy': '+', 'heteroplasmy': '-', 'locus': ['MT-ND2'], 'diseases': ['LHON / Insulin Resistance / AMD / NRTI-PN']}]