identifier |
UNTA85_1334 |
alternative_identifiers |
['1334'] |
country |
Germany |
continent |
Europe |
region |
central Europe |
culture |
Bell Beaker |
epoch |
Bronze Age |
group |
comment |
- |
latitude |
48.31744384765625 |
longitude |
10.890862464904785 |
sex |
M |
site |
Haunstetten, Unterer Talweg 85 |
site_detail |
- |
mt_hg |
H15a1 |
ychr_hg |
- |
year_from |
-2453 |
year_to |
-2152 |
date_detail |
cal BC2453-2152 |
bp |
3827±25 |
c14_lab_code |
MAMS-18947 |
c14_sample_tag |
True |
c14_layer_tag |
- |
avg_coverage |
58.400001525878906 |
sequence_source |
reconstructed |
reference |
Knipper et al. 2017. Female exogamy and gene pool diversification at the transition from the Final Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age in central Europe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(38), 10083-10088.
data_link |
ychr_snps |
mitopathos |
[{'allele': '6253C', 'position': 6253, 'status': 'Reported', 'homoplasmy': '+', 'heteroplasmy': '-', 'locus': ['MT-CO1'], 'diseases': ['Prostate Cancer / enriched in POAG cohort']}]